A thought by Henry Cloud, from his book, Necessary Endings (p. 43). HarperCollins e-books. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) Your perspective and understanding are the keys. Henry says, “That lesson learned helps boards move founders into other roles and bring in seasoned management. They do not have to approach it as if the founder is failing. It helps CEOs make tough decisions also, knowing that they are aligning their business with the natural order that they see unfolding before them. It makes letting go of a long love affair with a product line or a brand possible. ” He goes on, “Blair implicitly believed in life cycles and seasons, and he saw that the long harvest that he had enjoyed for so many years was about to end. It was time to shut down and get out while the assets and revenues that were left still had some value. But more than capturing value from what was left, the real task was to get to a field that had s...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...