A thought by John Bevere, from his book, Your God-Given Potential (p. 40). Messenger International, Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) That is a good question. What's the answer? John says, " They are the 'seen' parts and necessary, but according to the Word of God, they are not the most important." He goes on, "My friend Stan. . . has a gift of reaching people in the business world, as well as making and giving finances. His gift seems less valuable than a platform gift, and with our established church culture, it’s nonverbally communicated this way. What’s been the typical underlying message in the church? 'Those on the platform are the chosen ones who really have a calling on their life.' "Think about it. If someone says, 'He or she has a calling on his or her life,' everyone immediately assumes it is the call of a pastor, worship leader, youth leader, Christian author, missionary, and so fort...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...