A thought by John Townsend from his book, Loving People (p.50). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) He says, “When we connect, we bring these aspects of ourselves into relationship with others: • Feelings . When we are connected, we can share the emotions we experience about things and people, present and past, whether pleasant or painful. • Dreams and desires . Another part of connection involves sharing our deepest longings and wishes—the things we keep protected and share with only a few friends. • Fears . We are all afraid of something, and connection makes it safe enough to share our fears openly. • Failures. No one is without mistakes, and when we connect, we let others in on the darker parts of our lives. • Past. We all have losses and joys in our pasts, and connection means that we want to bring someone else into our personal history. • The other person. One of the deepest aspe...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...