A thought by Henry Cloud, from his book, Integrity (p. 94). HarperCollins e-books. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) And we really do need each other. Henry says, “When people feel needed, they perform at levels past the ones that come out of other requirements. To have a job or meet some quota is one thing. But to be performing because someone needs you takes you to levels that only the heart can push you to. There is a huge difference between the kind of leader who comes in and says, ‘Here are the goals. They have come down from above, and corporate is demanding that we get it done. So, no slacking off or not giving less than one thousand percent. Meet these numbers or I guarantee you some heads are going to roll. I will see to it personally. Anybody who doesn’t do their part might as well get the résumé ready’ versus ‘OK, guys. We have some big goals here. They are daunting, in some ways. But, that is what is being asked...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...