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"Knowing the future is difficult; controlling the future is impossible."

A thought by John C. Maxwell (2012-10-02) from his book, The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth: Live Them and Reach Your Potential (p. 232). Center Street. Kindle Edition. I want to, though, don’t you?   I mean, I am 65+ and I really want to control my future.   I want to feel that I am secure and that everything is going to be great.   That would be great but it is impossible.   I can’t control my future and I can’t even know what it is going to be like. But John goes on and says that “Knowing today is essential; controlling today is possible.”   Today is all I have to work with, tomorrow I give to God.   But to emphasize, I do have today.   I have the potential to still make choices of how I am going to live each day. I am also reading a book by Bill Hybels called, The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God,Having the Guts to Respond.   And on page 79 he says, “Many of God’s whispers are offered to save us from difficulties and pain that we do...

“When you find yourself in a state of confusion or curiosity about the way things are going, go ahead and ask HIM if there’s something HE’d like to say to you.”

A thought by Bill Hybels (2010-06-29) from his book, The Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond (p. 56). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. One of the tremendous privileges of having a relationship with GOD is to have a relationship with GOD.   I mean it is unbelievable that GOD is interested in me personally.   That HE knows all about me and all that I do and that HE has a plan for me personally.   But the key is to listen to Him as HE wants to communicate to us. In the sentence right before this one Bill says, “’When the circumstances of your life start to shift,’ I suggest, ‘at least consider that it might be due to God.’”   That is an awesome thought.   That maybe what I am going through might be because of GOD and I can stop and ask HIM if there’s something HE would like to say to me.   That is a tremendous possibility for us to grab hold of that we don’t usually stop and contemplate.   When things are starting to go bad we ...

“His strength is available to praying people who are convinced to the core of their beings that he can make a difference.”

A thought by Bill Hybels, (2009-08-20) from his book, Too Busy Not to Pray (p. 18). InterVarsity Press. Kindle Edition. I was reading this morning in Luke about Jesus.  There in chapter 12 it showed of a time that He went off to a mountain to pray and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.   His human part was convinced to the core that connecting with His Father through prayer would make a difference in what He was going through.   He showed us what we need to do.   Now I’m not really going through any difficult time in my life right now.   In fact I am going through a very good time but I do want to know more about God and to connect more with Him.   The reality is even on the good times I need His strength and it is through prayer that it is available to me so that He will make a difference. What are you going through?   So many people are just being thrown around by life and they feel all alone.   Maybe that is the way your f...

“God proved faithful each and every step of the way, despite…”

A thought by Bill Hybels, (2010-06-29) from his book, T he Power of a Whisper: Hearing God, Having the Guts to Respond (p. 32). Zondervan. Kindle Edition . I have found that true over and over in my life.   He has proved faithful in my life over and over   again despite my blundering, mistakes and lack of faith. That is what it so amazing about God’s grace.   He loves me despite of how I have acted, despite my pride, despite my getting off the path, despite my lack of appreciation.   He has been there when I turned my back on Him. He was their waiting on me to come back to Him.  I just can’t believe what He has done in my life despite….me. What about you?   God has been faithful in your life and you didn’t even know it.     He has given you the opportunity of another day but all you did was gripe and complain.   Maybe that job was from Him but you didn’t really appreciate it and you never gave your all to being at your best ...

“Products are designed to wear out quickly and then be thrown away.”

A thought by Darren Whitehead, Jon Tyson and Bill Hybels, (2011-07-19) from their book, Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You´ve Only Heard About (p. 33). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. That is true with the world but not God.   Yes it seems like I am wearing out each day but the best is yet to come.   My mind isn’t wearing out.   My love for my wife, Margaret isn’t wearing out.   My anticipation to see my kids and grandkids grow to God’s full potential is not wearing out.   My passion to make a difference with God isn’t wearing out.   My wisdom from God isn’t wearing out.   My experience isn’t wearing out.   My excitement for life isn’t wearing out.   My challenge to see people come to their full potential isn’t wearing out.   My desire to serve Jesus isn’t wearing out.   My yearning to share with you each day is not wearing out.   My longing to learn isn’t wearing out.   My wonderment of what is arou...

“The United States has just 5 percent of the world’s population but consumes 30 percent of the world’s resources.”

A thought by Darren Whitehead, Jon Tyson and Bill Hybels, (2011-07-19) from their book, Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You´ve Only Heard About (p. 29). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. I am reading the Gospel of Matthew right now in the Message paraphrase.   There are some things Jesus says in chapter 10 that speak to this situation.   Jesus says, “ Be content – please.”   That would help wouldn’t it?   We maybe wouldn’t need to consume so much.   We could maybe give some that we have to those who really need. He also says, “ Don’t think that I have come to make life cozy .”   But isn’t that what life is all about?   I mean I work so that I will be cozy.   I need that comfortable house, that comfortable chair, that comfortable bed.   Isn't that what life is all about?   I wonder.. Here’s another one.   “ If you don’t go all the way with me, through thick or thin, you don’t deserve me.   If your firs...

“In relationships, these are defining moments; we either push through emotion to transparency, or retreat to opinions.”

A thought by Darren Whitehead, Jon Tyson, & Bill Hybels, (2011-07-19) from their book,   Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You´ve Only Heard About (Kindle Locations 1725-1726). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition . I had today, three of those defining moments with three of my Starbucks' friends.   Each one was a very special situation that I value very much. Now as you know I am a retired minister.   Ministers have opinions about everything.   We know what is right and wrong about every situation and are tempted to let you know how smart we are and how important we are.   But I have found in life that opinions do not build relationships but many times hinder them and I am into relationships.   That is why I spend so much time in Starbucks. I know that many people have been hurt in relationships and that brings a certain wall between them and people but when you share who you really are to them, little by little your walls come down an...