A thought by Andy Stanley (2015-01-06) from his book, The New Rules for Love, Sex andDating (p. 176). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) Have you found that true? I’m sure that many of you have. The truth is it can suck out all of the enjoyment of life. Andy says, “The number one source of conflict among couples is money.” It is number one. He then says, “The primary source of financial pressure is debt. Dumb debt. Credit card debt. Car leases… If you have debt, chances are you have other bad financial habits.” Make a commitment to stop and look at what it is that is causing you to not get this under control. I love the prayer of the Psalmist who says, “Search me oh God and know my thoughts.” Why do you have to have all of the stuff? Now there can be good reasons for it but if it causes relational problems then there is a problem. Take it to God and then take it to your spou...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...