A thought by Mark Batterson from his book, Double Blessing (p. 134). The Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) Now that is a very interesting thought. Mark says, “That seems illogical on many levels, including the theological level. But study after study corroborates what Jesus conjectured: it is happier to give than it is to receive. (Acts 20:35) “In a study published in Science , researchers Elizabeth Dunn, Lara Aknin, and Michael Norton gave people five dollars or twenty dollars and divided them into two groups. The first group was told to spend the money on themselves. The second group was told to spend the money on someone else. Those who spent the money on someone else experienced an uptick in happiness. Those who spent the money on themselves did not. The question, of course, is, why not? The same researchers tracked a group of employees who received a year-end bonus. Measuring their baseline happi...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...