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Showing posts with the label Malcolm Gladwell

"An innovator who has brilliant ideas but lacks the discipline and persistence to carry them out is merely a dreamer."

A thought by Malcolm Gladwell, (2013-10-01) from his book, David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits, andthe Art of Battling Giants (p. 116). Little, Brown and Company. Kindle Edition. I have the idea that I am going to this year weigh less than 200 lbs. .  It has been 20 years since I’ve weighed under 200 lbs.   I know I can do it and the truth is I can but will i?   That is the question.   It is not based on my ability or my desire but on my discipline and persistence. I think it is a brilliant idea that will make a difference in the quality and length of my life.   But will it be just a dream or will it be a reality?   It all depends on my discipline and persistence and the daily healthy habits that I put into my life.   John Maxwell in his book, Sometimes You Win--Sometimes You Learn: Life's Greatest LessonsAre Gained from Our Losses says, “The secret to success can be found in your daily agenda. Average people don’t put in the extra w...