A thought by Gary Chapman from his book, Seen. Known. Loved. (p. 21). Moody Publishers. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) That's good news! Gary says, " God wants you to know that He sees you at your best and your worst and He chooses to love you regardless. So often, feeling loved is about being seen. For words of affirmation people, we try desperately to make ourselves seen so that we can get the reward of being told we are seen and liked. We dread feeling invisible and work hard to receive the words of affirmation that help us feel confident that we are seen and loved. This is what is so incredible, for better and worse, about social media. We can make ourselves seen in a way that was never possible before. We make ourselves seen . . . by posting pictures of our lives, snapshots that tell the world we are here. However, have you ever posted something only to have almost nobody 'like' your post? What’s even worse, perhaps, ...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...