“His expertise is taking into his masterful care ordinary people who have lived broken lives, and turning our lives into nothing less than masterpieces.”
A thought by Erwin Raphael McManus, (2014-02-25) from his book, The Artisan Soul: Crafting Your Life into a Work of Ar t (p. 178). Harper Collins. Kindle Edition. There are two words in this thought that caught my attention. The first was broken. There are so many in this world have and are living broken lives. They have no hope. I’m looking at this in my other blog, Bill’s Front Porch . There are so many areas in our life that we need to recover from. Areas such as: Overeating * Overworking * Alcohol/Drugs * Overspending * Grief * Guilt * Anger/Rage * Fear/Anxiety * Divorce * Abuse * Insecurity * Sexual Addictions * Codependency * Habit * Perfectionism * Lying * Hypochondria * Hurtful Relationships * Procrastination * Gambling * The Need To Control. There are so many areas of brokenness and helplessness in people’s lives. One of these could be yours and you see your world through your area of brokenness and you see no way ...