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"... people are trying to manage the noise."

A thought by TourĂ© Roberts in his book,  Balance ,  (p. 17). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) Toure says, "The more I grow in Balance, the more I recognize how noisy life is and is increasingly becoming. ... one of the reasons why self-awareness and mindfulness are such coveted goals is because, among other things, people are trying to manage the noise. It seemingly gets louder than we can manage, because the world’s population is constantly growing while technology is making the world smaller and smaller. Consequently, our lives become more and more crowded. We are increasingly exposed to the life, thoughts, opinions, issues, comments, passions, and preferences of strangers simply by logging on to the internet and our social media accounts, with new platforms vying for our attention every day." He continues, "As a result, the noise of strangers adds to and amplifies our own noise, and with each day and each log-on th...

"It turns out, the happiest place on earth is not Disneyland;"

A thought by TourĂ© Roberts in his book,  Balance ,  (p. 9). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) He continues the thought, "it’s the place where the sun always shines!" He says, "I share my fascination with the midnight sun in order to illustrate the concept of balance. While I explored various other analogies to help describe my understanding of balance, none of them captivated my attention as did the vivid particulars of what it would be like to enjoy sunshine 24-7. Although I’ve experienced balance in the way that I want to share with you, it can be challenging to explain. Once you get it, your own internal light begins to shine, but getting it requires insight, revelation, and practice. "As we begin our journey to balance, we must first realize that balance is not a discipline, an activity, or an exercise. Balance is a place. That’s right, Balance has a location, and going forward, when I refer to Balance—the plac...

"The journey to balance is the beginning of balance."

A thought by TourĂ© Roberts in his book, Balance ,  (p. 4). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) Toure earlier said, "Balance will teach you how to align with the highest version of yourself in any given moment. A version of you that, among many other things, replaces anxiety with peace, dysfunction with progress, and stagnation with unlimited creativity." He continues, "That’s what this book is all about. You will discover throughout these pages that life uses every moment in our existence—especially the chaotic ones—to nudge us toward a greater version of ourselves, which in turn produces extraordinary experiences. My belief is that the message in these pages will unlock that ability within you to discover a new method of balancing all the areas of your life. "We will explore in detail that idea that Balance is actually a spiritual location and requires spiritual means and spiritual insights to get there. We’ll get i...