A thought by Leonard Sweet (2012-03-13) from his book, What Matters Most: How We Got the Point but Missed the Person (Kindle Location 155). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition. That is so true in our homes with people we love. We all need each other. The reason why we were created was to love God which in turn means loving others. You cannot love just God. I am finding it interesting that people who are so-called Christians seem to be leading the effort to protect our borders as a nation against outsiders coming in. That doesn’t really jive with our message of loving God and loving others. We seem to be desirous of protecting our individualism. What if that was true of God and His message wouldn’t have been shared with the Gentiles? He created us all and He loves us all and we are to in turn love all. Christians should be at the front of welcoming those who are not like us to come to live in our Christian nation. ...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...