A thought by Andy Stanley, (2010-10-19) from his book, The Grace of God (Kindle Location 116). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition . I was sitting in my spot at Starbucks this morning with my table all organized and a man came up and asked if he could sit in the other chair. There was no other place to sit so I begrudgingly said, “yes” so he sat down and started using his half of the table. Now that kind of griped me so I wasn’t really very friendly or I should say very gracious to him. He had invaded my space without me asking him to. I didn’t respond much better the whole time he was there. In other words, i blew it in being gracious to him. My pride and my feeling of being inconvenienced got in the way of my being gracious. I went home and started getting ready to move some stuff over to our storage unit and I carried it down to the car, put it into the car, ready to run up and get some more stuff and then realized that I had locked my k...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...