A thought by Leonard Sweet, (2012-03-13) from his book, Viral: How Social Networking Is Poised to Ignite Revival (p. 125). Random House, Inc.. Kindle Edition. What do you know for certain? It seems like it is only what is in your past. So nothing from this moment on is certain so it has to be lived by faith. Oh you think you know but you don’t really. I know so many people at my age are living from the certainty that what will make them happy is retirement. I mean they are working long hours so that they will have enough in their retirement fund to be secure in retirement. That is their total focus to have enough to live on but really that desire for certainty is robbing them of peace and adventure that comes by living by faith. They are certain that they will be happy if they have $500.000 saved for their retirement then they can have fun living without any responsibilities. But to me certainty has a boredom factor in it. ...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...