A thought by Gabe Lyons (2010-10-05) in his book, The Next Christians: The Good News About the End of Christian America (p. 124). Doubleday Religion. Kindle Edition. Maybe you are searching for your purpose in living as you go into the new year. Maybe you have been wandering and wondering through 2011 but you want 2012 to be different. Now this is a good time to sit down with a yellow pad or your notes on your iPhone and start to do some God-directed thinking. A good place to start is evaluating your gifts. I’m not talking about your Christmas gifts but those Spiritual gifts that God gave you when you became a Christian. Check on the internet for a good Spiritual gifts test or go to your local Christian book store or ask your pastor. Take that test and then do some self-assessment of your natural abilities. Ask yourself and some of your closest honest friends, “What am I good at?” That may be hard for you to do but it is an import...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...