A thought by Zig Zigler, from his book, Better Than Good (p. 65). Thomas Nelson, Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) This is so important to understand and live out. Zig says, " Responding is positive; reacting is negative. Think of the word reactionary . What image does it bring to mind? It’s someone with his heels dug in, someone in a defensive posture, someone who strikes back. But a responder is one who engages, one who takes the offense, someone who reaches out rather than striking back." He goes on, "Responders don’t have their heads in the sand, living in denial. They recognize the seriousness of some of life’s events, but they see them as things that simply alter their course, not close it down. Everyone knows that life is not lived in a straight line from womb to tomb. Life is a series of adjustments, always keeping the goal in view. Something negative happens? Fine, we’ll respond by believing there is a divine purpose ...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...