A thought by Kyle Idleman from his book, Don't Give Up (p. 126). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) Kyle says, “It’s interesting, and may be helpful to know, that research indicates that both men and women struggle with feelings of inadequacy, though in different ways. Women tend to blame themselves, assuming they don’t have what it takes. Men typically blame their circumstances, believing that someone or something else is at fault. We can all buy into the you-don’t-have-what-it-takes lie. “This is an easy lie to believe because there are so many opportunities to compare ourselves nowadays. Everyone puts the best version of themselves on social media. I’m trying to get a petition started that changes the name of Facebook to Façade and Instagram to Mirage. Maybe then we wouldn’t look at these airbrushed versions of people’s lives and feel so insecure. We compare our normal lives with the highlights of an...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...