A thought by Seth Godin, (2010-10-13) from his book, Graceful (Kindle Location 365). New Word City, Inc.. Kindle Edition. That is what keeps so many people from stepping out and taking responsibility. They don’t want the pressure. They fear the negative. They are afraid of being blamed for something going wrong. They just want to accept things the way they are. There also are some who don’t want to take responsibility so they can point the finger. They want to be the blamer but I say that is really being lame. That is being a coward. But there is another side, responsibility also gets the credit. That is why some don’t want to give it; they don’t want to share the credit. But it seems like taking responsibility and also giving it to others is really the way to make a difference. And that to me is the best thing about responsibility, the making a difference part and that means living life to its fulle...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...