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Showing posts with the label it's

“I need to know what is true, not what I hope is true.”

A thought by Dr. Henry Cloud & Dr. John Townsend from their book, It's Not My Fault . (pg. 54) Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.) Now, why is that important? The guys say, “No problem was ever solved, no goal ever reached without looking at the situation squarely with no editing or reframing.” They go on, “Don’t be afraid to say, I need to know what is true, not what I hope is true. That is your sure path. Look for raw, unvarnished reality, not the prepackaged, politically acceptable type. “Suppose you had extensive diagnostic testing, and the tests showed clearly that you need heart bypass surgery. That’s a big deal. You see your doctor for his recommendation, and he says, ‘The surgery route just seems so serious and harsh. Why don’t you take a couple of aspirin and get a good night’s sleep instead?’ The good doctor is trying to save you from discomfort. The simple prescription he offers is cer...