A thought by Zig Ziglar (2003-01-01) from his book, Zig Ziglar's Life Lifters (p. 192). B&H Publishing. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title of the book to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) I love how Zig helps in showing us a great way to live our day. Think of this. He says, “When you woke up this morning, were your thoughts on what you've ‘got to do’ or what you ‘get to do’? If your thoughts were on what you've ‘got to do,’ they can be either negative or positive. For example, if you've ‘got to go to work,’ that's positive because it means you have a job and are gainfully employed. Not only that, you have a means of getting to your place of employment and you have the health and energy to do exactly that. So your ‘got to’ is translated into positive steps toward performing what you ‘get to do’ because at the end of the work period you ‘get to’ cash your paycheck. Then you ‘get to’ use that money to pay bills. Some of it will go to buy food, cl...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...