A thought by Mark Batterson (2009-12-09) from his book, Primal: A Quest for the Lost Soul of Christianit y (Kindle Location 1819). Random House, Inc. Kindle Edition. Do you read? Well I guess you do, you’re reading this blog and I congratulate you. Reading is one of the greatest ways to expanding your knowledge and potential. I love to read and my family loves to read. One of the main purposes of this blog is to expose people to different writers. Let me remind you that if you hit the title of the book under the highlighted thought of each post you will be sent to the section in Amazon.com where you can order the book, usually new or used and if you chose you can also get the Kindle edition instantly. I do this to help you grow in your mind, in your character, in your relationships, in your life. Learning can be the key and reading is one of the great ways to learn. So if you would like to continue the thought of an author that I have po...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...