A thought by John Townsend from his book, Leading From Your Gut (p. 24). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) They really and they really make a difference. They really do! John says, “That is, they are true and absolute for you, whether or not you think about them. Your values are simply aspects of reality that are guides for you. That is what discovering your values is all about, thinking through the process of determining what guidelines and principles will order our steps. Values are about what is right and what matters. “Your inside life is the repository of your values, so we begin with values because most of your life springs from them. Your values are the bedrock of your identity. And your leadership, as well as your life, will reflect your values, for good or for bad. Some people are in prison right now because their values guided them to that end. And others are succeeding beyond their wildest dreams...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...