A thought by Craig Groeschel, from his book, Dangerous Prayers : Because Following Jesus Was Never Meant to Be Safe , Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) That is a very good question, isn’t it? Thanks for asking it, Craig. He says, “I’m not talking about normal external fears like snakes, spiders, or the fear of flying. I’m wondering what keeps you up at night, those things that ricochet in your mind and refuse to be quieted. Things like losing your job. Not getting married. Or being stuck in a bad marriage. Having your health fail. Draining your savings account just to get by. “We don’t know what exact fears were running through David’s mind, but it’s clear he was troubled about his safety and perhaps his future. Because after asking God to search his heart, David prayed, ‘know my anxious thoughts’ (Ps. 139:23). He wanted to share his worst fears with God. To face them and give them a name. To ...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...