A thought by Mark Batterson from his book, Win the Day (p. 49). The Crown Publishers Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
Good thought!
Mark says, "We want to be self-sufficient. In fact, we confuse self-sufficiency with spiritual maturity. Our only sufficiency is the grace of God, and the only way we qualify for it is that we don’t. His grace has the power to bury dead yesterdays six feet deep! The problem, of course, is that we dig them back up!"
He then says, "There is an old axiom: 'Let go and let God.' It’s hard to let go of present-tense concerns and future-tense anxieties, but nothing is harder than letting go of past-tense pain. How do we let go? We own it so it doesn’t own us! We take full response-ability for everything in our lives. We learn pain’s lessons by asking a brave question: What have you come to teach me?"
Yes, let's learn the lessons that God wants to teach us. Okay?
Yes, yes!
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