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“Praising abundantly.”

A thought by Max Lucado from his book, How Happiness Happens (p. 24). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.)

We all need to be praised, don’t we?

Max says, “Biblical encouragement is no casual, kind word but rather a premeditated resolve to lift the spirit of another person. ‘Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds’ (Heb. 10:24 NIV). The verb consider means ‘to perceive clearly . . . understand fully, consider closely.’1

Max goes on, “John Trent recalls a story about a young father whose daughter was going through the ‘terrible twos.’ She was cute but strong-willed and almost more than he and his wife could handle. The father decided to take the child out for breakfast and tell her how much they valued and loved her. Over pancakes he told her, ‘Jenny, I want you to know how much I love you, and how special you are to Mom and me. We prayed for you for years, and now that you’re here and growing up to be such a wonderful girl, we couldn’t be more proud of you.’

“When he finished, his daughter said, ‘Longer, Daddy, . . . longer.’ The father continued to affirm and encourage her. Once again when he attempted to stop, she pleaded for him to keep going. She did so two more times. ‘This father never did get much to eat that morning, but his daughter got the emotional nourishment she needed so much. In fact, a few days later, she spontaneously ran up to her mother and said, ‘“I’m a really special daughter, Mommy. Daddy told me so.”’2

“Do you know someone who needs unbridled encouragement? Of course you do. Everyone needs a cheerleader. So be one. ‘Look for the best in each other, and always do your best to bring it out’ (1 Thess. 5:15 THE MESSAGE).

“In the mid-1930s a YMCA instructor pitched an idea for a class to his supervisor. It was based on some principles he had learned while working as a salesman in Warrensburg, Missouri. The directors couldn’t afford to pay him the regular two-dollar-a-night fee, so he agreed to teach it on a commission basis.

“Within a couple of years the course was so popular the instructor was earning thirty dollars a night instead of two. A publishing executive heard the messages and encouraged the instructor to compile them in a book. Dale Carnegie did. His book How to Win Friends and Influence People stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for a decade. What is the message of the book? Arguably it can be reduced to one phrase: ‘Encourage one another.’ The chapter ‘The Big Secret of Dealing with People’ urges readers to “be hearty in your approbation and lavish in your praise.’”

Max then says, “Here is an idea. Call a friend or relative, and begin the conversation with these words: ‘Can I have 120 seconds to tell you what a great person you are?’ Then let it loose. Build him up. Affirm her. Embarrass him. Drench her in words of encouragement. Imitate the apostle Paul, who told his friends in Ephesus, ‘I didn’t skimp or trim in any way. Every truth and encouragement that could have made a difference to you, you got’ (Acts 20:20 THE MESSAGE).”

Later Max says, “Call forth the Peter from within a Simon. Give the gift that God loves to give: the gift of encouragement.”

That is so good, let’s do it, ok? 

Yes, yes


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