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“As a leader, it’s important for you to understand the basics of how you think.”

A thought by John Townsend from his book, Leading From Your Gut (p. 54). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.)

So, I want to understand, don’t you?

John says, “The simplest definition of thought is an idea in the mind. In other words, a thought is some solution, brainstorm, strategy, insight, or observation. It can be about anything, but in the context of leadership, we’re generally referring to thoughts about people, opportunities, and problems, which are the things you need to concentrate on.

“A helpful way to look at thoughts is to contrast them with reactions. When you react to a situation, you don’t act freely and independently. It’s more of a knee-jerk response. You make decisions based on internal factors ranging from fear, emotional impulse, and passion to old habits or people’s opinions. While positive reactions can be fun (a quick joke in a meeting that eases tension), negative reactions can be detrimental to your leadership and can shortchange your impact. In contrast to reactions, thoughts look at alternatives, weigh consequences, consider costs and benefits, and exercise judgment. Certainly thinking can be taken to the extreme—the ‘paralysis of analysis’—but in the main, those who think thoroughly tend to make better decisions and tend to treat people in a way that makes people want to follow them.”

“Later he shares, “You need to be intentional about keeping your mind in shape. There is a growing body of research that indicates we ‘use it or lose it’ as we age. This is especially true with things like memory, vocabulary, and mathematics. Even if you don’t retain all your mental abilities, you may be able to keep sharper during the time you exercise your brain. For example, several times a week, I try to work out with an electronic game gadget designed to improve mental functioning. My sons give me a hard time about not playing more fun games with the gadget, but it’s no game to me. I want as much mind as I can have for as long as I can have it.”

One of the reasons I have this blog is for me to five days a week exercise my brain even after I have retired.  No matter our age let’s not waste the brain God has given us, okay? 

Yes, yes!


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