A thought by Christine Cane, from her book, How Did I Get Here? (p. 6). Thomas Nelson, Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
He does, He really does.
Christine says, "He has been contending with it ever since the fall. He knows how effortless our drifting is. In our thoughts. In our actions. In our day-to-day lives. In the simplest of things. He knows how tempted we are to gradually shift from having our hope in him to having it in other people—a common error that usually works well until someone disappoints us."
She goes on, "It’s all too easy to stand on alternate sources of security and significance while saying we are standing on our faith. To put trust in our education, our plans, or our careers. To fall back on what we know, on what we think has made us successful. To rely on our gifts, our talents, or our abilities—as though we possess them apart from God (2 Cor. 4:7).
"And we may be doing all this without even realizing it. Just like I thought I had anchored our boat, sometimes we think we are standing on our faith until we find ourselves somewhere we don’t recognize."
She continues, "For me, now that I know it’s possible to drift unaware, that drifting doesn’t happen all at once but over time, and that small drifts in our day-to-day actions can produce great shifts, I’ve built in the practice of taking a personal inventory on a regular basis to prevent myself from drifting again. I am paying closer attention than ever before. To my personal relationship with God. To what’s going on in my heart. And where I’m placing my trust. To my family, friends, and colleagues. As Solomon wrote, it’s the little foxes that undermine our relationship with God—the things we might not notice, that seem small, invisible, undetected (Song 2:15).
After making a list of questions she asks herself she says, "I have discovered—from making this list and digging into God’s Word—that there are a multitude of ways to drift, but there is only one way not to. And that is to drop—and set—anchor."
And that is something we need to individually realize and do, isn't it? Yes, yes! #continuethought
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