A thought by Christine Cane, from her book, How Did I Get Here? (p. 6). Thomas Nelson, Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
Christine has a list of questions in three areas she asks herself in keeping from drifting in her walk with God.
She says, "About my relationship with God, I ask:
- Have I stopped pursuing God and started deprioritizing my time with him?
- Have I stopped consuming God’s Word and started living off leftovers?
- Have I stopped responding to the Spirit at once and started delaying?
- Have I stopped caring and started growing callous about former convictions?
- Have I stopped praying and started obsessing? Have I stopped seeking more of him?"
She goes on, "And about my relationships with others, I ask:
- Have I stopped forgiving and started harboring?
- Have I stopped sharing and started withholding?
- Have I stopped committing and started shrinking back?
- Have I stopped laughing and started growing more critical?
- Have I stopped responding with grace and started responding with impatience?"
And then, "And about my heart, I ask:
- Have I stopped having passion and started having resentment?
- Have I stopped dreaming and started settling?
- Have I stopped hoping and started sinking into despair?
- Have I stopped feeling and started growing numb?"
This is a great way for us to continually set our anchor. So let's keep our focus. Okay? Yes, yes! #continuethought
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