thought by Mark Batterson, (2015-10-06) from his book, If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities (Kindle
Location 2207). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click
on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
Now think of
this. Mark says, “Now, I know that none
of us has extra time or money. Right? But maybe that’s because we’re saving
rather than giving. Conserving rather than serving. In my experience, God fills
the vacuum with more of what we gave, plus joy. The next time you have a need,
try sowing a seed at your point of need. Then watch the way God supplies all of
your needs, according to His riches in glory.”
What if we
really believed that and we did that?
continues, “Perhaps you’re recently divorced. Maybe you’ve lost a job or lost a
loved one this year. Or maybe your last child went off to college or your
athletic career ended. In each of those scenarios and a thousand others, a
vacuum was created. God wants to fill that vacuum with His Spirit. The same
Spirit who hovered over the void is hovering over you. He can bring beautiful
order out of utter chaos.”
He wants to
fill the vacuums in your life.
So what or who do you turn to to fill those vacuums?
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