thought by Mark Batterson, (2015-10-06) from his book, If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities (Kindle
Location 2670). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click
on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)

Mark says, “Every
decision we make has a million consequences, very few of which we can predict.
Every action we take has a million ramifications, very few of which we can
control. But that’s where the Sovereignty of God comes into play. There is no
contingency the Omniscient One has not taken into account.”
He goes on, “When
things go from bad to worse, as they did for Joseph,” (the one in the Old
Testament) “I know it’s tough to trust God. All you see is the perverse result,
which in this case study was unfair imprisonment. It would take seventeen years
for the unexpected benefit to come into play, but the Lord of Unintended
Consequences proved faithful once again. Trust me, every moment was
cross-indexed and calculated ad infinitum before the creation of the world.”
Look at Proverbs
16: 9 (NASB). It says, “The mind of man plans his way, But the LORD
directs his steps.” Mark says, “Go
ahead and plan. Again, failing to plan is planning to fail. But God has
ulterior motives, and they are far better than anything you could ask or
Yes, God has
given us tremendous abilities but in no way do they compare to his abilities. Yes,
we have parts to play in this life that we are living but we can’t see it all.
That is where our relationship with a Sovereign God makes all the difference.
“Trust in
the Lord with all your heart. Do not
depend on your own understanding. Seek
his will in all you do and he will show you which path to take.” Proverbs 3:5 & 6 (NLT)
So where are
you putting your trust?
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