thought by Mark Batterson, (2015-10-06) from his book, If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities (Kindle
Locations 1869-1870). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click
on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)

continues, “Before the age of two, Helen Keller lost her vision and her
hearing. In an instant, her world went dark, went silent. Then a godsend named
Anne Sullivan broke through Helen’s solitary confinement and touched her soul.
Helen Keller became the first deaf blind person to earn a bachelor’s degree.
She also authored a dozen books, including a manifesto on her philosophy of
life, Optimism.”
He goes on, “’No
pessimist ever discovered the secrets of the stars,’ she wrote, ‘or sailed to
an uncharted land.’ The last page of her book echoes the first page of
Scripture. ‘Optimism is the harmony of man’s spirit and the Spirit of God
pronouncing His works good.’”
Then Mark
says, “If the Spirit of God is within you, optimism is the order of the day.
It’s part of your spiritual birthright. Optimism
isn’t at odds with the reality that is all around us. It simply means we’re
anchored to another reality— the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ—
that is deeper and stronger and longer than the reality we can perceive with
our five senses.”
And that is
the key. Our optimism is anchored to the
crucifixion and the resurrection of Jesus Christ not the reality that is around
So what reality
are you anchored to?
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