thought by Mark Batterson, (2015-10-06) from his book, If: Trading Your If Only Regrets for God's What If Possibilities (Kindle
Location 1455). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click
on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
The total
thought of Mark is, “The Pharisees treated people as they were. Jesus treated people as they could be. And that only makes sense. After all, no one knew
their God-given potential like the One who gave it to them in the first place.”
Mark goes
on, “Have you ever noticed how some of the nicknames Jesus gave to his
disciples seemed like misnomers? Peter was impetuous, yet Jesus called him the
Rock. James and John were mama’s boys, yet He called them the Sons of Thunder.
They lived up to those nicknames. James would become the first of the disciples
to be martyred. John would live the longest, penning both the Gospel that bears
his name and the final book in the Bible, Revelation.”
nicknames do you give your friends, your family? Do they build up or put down?
Mark then
says, “What if Jesus had treated them as they were? I think they would have
remained as they were. But Jesus saw who they could become and treated them as
continues, “I know it’s not easy to see past people’s problems, much less their
personalities. But that’s what prophets do. Parents, if all you ever do is
point out what your kids do wrong, you’ll probably see more of the same… Kids
need more compliments than criticisms. So do adults!”
So do you
treat those around you as they were
or as they could be?
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