A thought by Andy Stanley (2009-03-31) in his book, The Principle of the Path: How to Get fromWhere You Are to Where You Want to Be (p. 15). Thomas Nelson. Kindle
Life is filled with choices. It really is.
ü I can choose to be angry or I
can choose to understand and forgive.
ü I can live with regrets
because of what life has thrown at me or I can live with excitement for the
opportunity of each new day. ü I can choose to spend or I can choose to save.
ü I can cower in fear of the unknown or risk and move into unchartered waters.
ü I can eat donuts or eat salads.
ü I can serve God or I can serve myself.
ü I can live with self-pity or I can live with joy.
ü I can listen and join in to negativity or I can turn it off, walk away and live positively.
ü I can be hurt or I can be healed.
ü I can yell or I can listen.
ü I can grow cold or I can tell you where you hurt me.
ü I can act like a child or I can act like an adult.
ü I can strive to tell my side
or I can listen to your side.
ü I can do what you enjoy or I
can demand you do what I like to do.ü I can sit at Starbucks for 2 ½ hours or I can walk 5 miles.
ü I can smile at people or I can scowl at them.
ü I can read from the Bible every day or I can listen to it being read on Sunday at church.
ü I can work hard or I can be lazy.
ü I can live within my means or I can spend more than I make.
ü I can worry or I can do what I can about it.
ü I can argue or I can just listen.
ü I can understand that hurting people hurt people or I can take it personally.
ü I can see that no paper is so thin that it doesn’t have two sides or I can believe there is only one side, mine.
ü I can be a Los Angeles Dodgers’ fan or I can be a San Francisco Giants’ fan.
Life is filled with choices today that will make a positive or negative difference tomorrow.
What is your choice?
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