A thought by James MacDonald (2010-05-03)
from his book, 10 Choices: A Proven Plan to Change Your Life Forever (Kindle Locations 3245-3246). Thomas Nelson.
Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy
the book.)
You’ve heard of shotgun weddings haven’t
you? But I’m not sure those weddings are
too romantic or authentic.
James says, “Authentic means
genuine, as in, not forced. I’m not going to church because my wife makes me.
No one is forcing me to do or say anything. I want this for myself. My actions
are not the result of coercion. Coercion is a subtle kind of pressure that
manipulates another person. Coercion doesn’t force directly but hints at a
consequence if I don’t conform. I don’t want my faith to be the product of
coercion in any way. I want to live for God because I love Him.”
He goes on, “Authenticity is
not contrived or calculating. I’m not saying and doing the right things because
that’s what is expected of me. I’m not acting. Don’t you want to be doing the
real thing? Take off the mask and live for Christ because you are passionate
about Him. Authenticity flows from what is true. It’s based in fact. An
authentic person is sincere, without pretense, without performance— real.”
So do you want your faith to
be real?
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