A thought by Mark Batterson, Richard Foth, and
Susanna Foth Aughtmon (2015-04-28) from their book, A Trip around the Sun: Turning Your Everyday Life into the Adventure ofa Lifetime (p. 126). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. Click on the title
to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)

Matthew 6: 22– 23 says, “Your eye is
a lamp that provides light for your body. When
your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light. But when your eye
is bad, your whole body is filled with darkness” (NLT).
He then says, “Having a ‘good eye’ in
life changes how you see yourself and everything around you. We have a core
value in our family that we borrowed from Qui-Gon Jinn’s conversation with
Anakin Skywalker: your focus determines your
reality. We want to have a ‘good eye’ as we walk through life. We want our
reality to reflect the good things we choose to focus on. One way I do it is by
keeping a gratitude journal. That’s how I count God’s blessings. I literally
number them. Year to date, I’m on #471. My goal is to hit a thousand by year’s
That is a very good idea. We need to do all we can to enhance the way
we see life. Maybe this would be a good
thing for you to do if you are seeing life totally from a critical or negative
stand point.
So how do you see the world around
My job has taken me to a number of developing nations and I've met people in extreme poverty. While they are in desperate circumstances (and we need to share our wealth with them) they are often grateful for even the smallest things. Looking at the fact that I was born in Australia, am surrounded by people I love, and have a place to call home, I can't help but be grateful. When I then think of all that God has done for me through Christ, I have no cause for complaint.
ReplyDeleteWe have so much to be grateful for. God is so good.