A thought by Mark Batterson, Richard Foth, and
Susanna Foth Aughtmon (2015-04-28) from their book, A Trip around the Sun: Turning Your Everyday Life into the Adventure of a Lifetime (p. 76). Baker Publishing
Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
I turned 68 years of age today and I
probably feel better than I thought I would at 68. I mean 68.
Aren’t you suppose to feel old?
Oh there are some things but there are also some other things that feel
better. And they feel better because I
have had some goals to shoot toward every day.
Do you have any goals that you strive
to do every day? Dick said, “Goals have
a way of refocusing your life. They give you purpose and a target to shoot for.
They are the compass of our dreams, helping us set a steady course. Goals
comprise direction and progress. When we lose sight of our goals, we tend to
lose sight of ourselves and who we are trying to become, who God has made us to
And then Mark says, “I had a lot of
dreams I wanted to accomplish, and I wanted to do it as quickly as possible. I
still do. But over the years, I have shifted from an ASAP to an ALAT approach
to life. It’s not about accomplishing my goals as soon as possible. It’s about as
long as it takes.”
He continues, “The last time I checked,
faith is being sure of what we hope for.
That sounds an awful lot like goals. God-glorifying goals. So becoming
goal oriented is really the by-product of becoming God oriented. You can’t help
but dream about the future. And it’s those God-sized dreams that keep us on our
knees in raw dependence upon God. That’s what keeps us humble, keeps us hungry.
That’s what keeps us pressing in and pressing on.”
And it doesn’t end at 68. I still have the best days of my life ahead
of me.
So what goals are you pressing toward
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