A thought by Mark Batterson, Richard Foth, and
Susanna Foth Aughtmon (2015-04-28) from their book, A Trip around the Sun: Turning Your Everyday Life into the Adventure ofa Lifetime (p. 18). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. Click on the
title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
I love that. I have lived two adventures this morning. One was in a Starbucks in Burbank where I
talked with a young lady who shared the adventure of her life with me. She and her husband have just moved here from
Baltimore, Maryland. It was a great time
of sharing from our thoughts and our lives.
I then went to Aroma Coffee and Tea
Co in Studio City. I started talking to
a man from the east coast of Florida who was visiting his daughter and
son-in-law. He shared with me the
adventure of his life. We had a great
time of sharing back and forth.
People have such interesting stories
if we would just stop and ask questions and then listen. But the problem we have as adults is we have
stopped asking questions and we miss out on so much.
Mark shared, “Writer Ralph B. Smith
once made an observation that children ask roughly 125 questions per day and
adults ask about 6 questions per day, so somewhere between childhood and
adulthood, we lose 119 questions per day. A child’s innate curiosity about life
is instilled in them at birth by the One who longs to be discovered. The more
questions they ask, the more they discover about the world around them. The
more they discover about the world around them, the more they discover about
the One who made them.”
Oh there is so much out there if we
would just stop and ask. Mark also said,
“If you want to get people interested in you, don’t try to be interesting. Show
interest in them.”
I went on an adventure today. I made two new friends. I love it.
How’s your adventure going today?
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