"When human babies are born, we have only two natural fears: the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises."
A thought by Craig Groeschel (2012-04-24) from his book, Soul Detox: Clean Living in a Contaminated World (p. 143). Zondervan. Kindle Edition.
We only have two fears from birth so where did all those other fears that hold us back come from? That’s a good question, a very good question. Determining that could go a long way to conquering your fears and potentially those that you influence around you. For instance, if you are a parent your kids may take on those same fears.
Craig says that our adult fears basically fall into four categories: The fears of loss, of failure, of rejection and the fear of the unknown. I’m sure you can see how each one of those could limit what you do in life.
Some would say that fear is the opposite of faith but Craig disagrees with that. He says, “The way I see it, fear actually relies on faith — it’s simply faith in the wrong things. Fear is placing your faith in ‘what-ifs’ rather than in ‘God is.’ It’s allowing your imagination to wander down a long dark alley of possibilities and get mugged every couple of steps. Almost everyone who allows themselves to be taken hostage by what-ifs discovers that the only thing binding them is their own imagination.”
I like that. He says, “It is placing your faith in ‘what ifs’ rather than in ‘God is.’” Now a non-Christian doesn’t live by the ‘God is’ but many Christians who say that their faith is in God if they were really honest would have to say that their faith is also in the wrong things.
So why don’t you stop and take one of your fears and acknowledge where it may have come from: some situation, some person, some imagination and confess it to God. I know that this is simplistic and for many they will need help here but it is a good place to start. Then you take the “what if” part of it and put in into a “God is.”
Another thing he says is, “What you fear reveals where you trust God the least.” Fear shows us our lack of trust. Stop and imagine what would happen if God is beside you ready to take care of the situation. Also imagine what it would be like if He took away your fear. What would you do then? Put your trust in a God who loves you and who can be trusted to take care of you. He is bigger than your fear.
So what are you afraid of?
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