A thought by Kyle Idleman, from his book, One at a Time (p. 150). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.) That is so very true. Kyle continues, "You’ve had people who spoke lifegiving words to you, who helped you believe in God, in yourself, in the possibility of change. Those words built you up and created the positive things you appreciate about your life today." He also said, "You’ve also probably had some words spoken to you that felt like death and have stayed with you ever since. I asked my Facebook friends to give examples of words that were tattooed on their souls and shaped their lives in a negative way. Within minutes I received responses like, 'No one will ever want to be with you,' 'You’re damaged goods,' 'You are irresponsible,' 'You’re just not smart enough,' 'I wish you were never born,' 'I’m just not attracted to you anymore,' 'You lost the ga...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...