A thought by Zig Zigler, from his book, Better Than Good (p. 50). Thomas Nelson, Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
And it is our choice.
Zig says, "Is it wrong to say, 'I’m doing better than good' all the time? Is that disingenuous? Absolutely not! Through the prophet Joel in the Old Testament, God called His people to prepare for battle, telling them, 'Let the weak say, '"I am a mighty man"'" (Joel 3:10). Is it wrong for one who is weak to say he is strong? Not if he has every expectation of becoming strong, which the people of God did when they had God on their side in battle. That’s exactly how I look at life—that God is on my side when I live my life in a way that honors and pleases Him."
He goes on, "When Jesus said, 'With God all things are possible' (Matthew 19:26), that means things are 'better than good.' When the apostle Paul says, 'I can do all things through Him who strengthens me' (Philippians 4:13), that means things are 'better than good.' How could they not be when God is on our side?"
He continues, "Because 'better than good' is such an optimistic approach to life, I guarantee that you will be remembered when you say that’s how you’re doing. And it will catch on! Nothing is as infectious as optimism and a positive outlook. For instance, I attend a church with twenty-five thousand members in Dallas where I teach a large Sunday school class. Because I’ve been replying, 'I’m doing better than good' for so many years, many of the members of my class, as well as the church staff, have adopted it as their own reply to 'How are you?' And I can see the twinkle in their eye when they say it, because I know they mean it."
He later says, "Sometimes, all it takes is a word, a phrase, or a thought planted in someone’s mind to change his or her whole life. It truly pays to watch closely what and how you think. It is said that Frank Outlaw expressed the power of our thoughts this wayWatch your thoughts; they become words.
- Watch your words; they become actions.
- Watch your actions; they become habits.
- Watch your habits; they become character.
- Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny!"
Zig then says, "You may have never connected your thoughts with your destiny before, but I hope you do from now on. And I hope you’ll begin by thinking and believing that life is 'better than good.'"
So let's start saying and believing it, "I'm doing better than good?" Okay?
Yes, yes!
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