A thought by Max Lucedo, from his book, God Will Carry You Through (p. 61). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
And this that we are going through right now is a struggle.
Max says:
“• My e-mail today contains a prayer request for a young mother just diagnosed with lupus. Incarcerated by bad health.
• After a half-century of marriage, a friend’s wife began to lose her memory. He had to take her car keys away so she wouldn’t drive. He has to stay near so she won’t fall. They had hopes of growing old together. They still may, but only one of them will know the day of the week.”
And so many of us feel imprisoned in our homes by this virus that we are facing.
He goes on, “Each of these individuals wonders, Where is heaven in this story? Why would God permit such imprisonment? Does this struggle serve any purpose?”
Max then says, “Every day God tests us through people, pain, or problems. Stop and consider your circumstances. Can you identify the tests of today?”
Max continues, “Don’t see your struggle as an interruption to life but as preparation for life. No one said the road would be easy or painless. But God will use your mess for something good. ‘This trouble you’re in isn’t punishment; it’s training, the normal experience of children. . . . God is doing what is best for us, training us to live God’s holy best. (Hebrews 12:8, 10 MSG).”
Later Max says, “If you see your troubles as nothing more than isolated hassles and hurts, you’ll grow bitter and angry. Yet if you see your troubles as tests used by God for his glory and your maturity, then even the smallest of incidents takes on significance.”
Yes, we are in training. And as Max said, even the smallest of incidents take on significance. They are there and used by God for His glory and our maturity. Would you allow Him to use your struggles for good? Would you?
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