A thought by Kyle Idleman from his
book, Don't Give Up (p. 109). Baker Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. (Click
on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)

Yes, yes, I do believe that. He really is!
Kyle goes on, “The words translated as
‘better’ and ‘superior’ show up fifteen times in the book of Hebrews (that is a
book in the NT of the Bible). The original readers would have mostly been
first-generation Jewish Christians. They were facing persecution for their
faith, and culturally they were being ridiculed and opposed. So, the message that
‘Jesus is better’ was a message given to encourage them not to go back, not to
give up.
“If you read through Hebrews, you can
make a list of everything that Jesus is better than. Jesus is better than the
law. Jesus is better than traditions. Jesus is better than the prophets of old.
“The first verses of Hebrews point out
that in the past, God spoke through the prophets, but now he has spoken to us
through his Son. Then chapter 3 makes the case that ‘Jesus is better than
Moses.’ This would have been offensive to many of its original readers.” In a footnote, Kyle says, “Like some middle
schoolers trying to tell me that Lonzo Ball is better than Michael Jordan.”
Kyle continues, “You didn’t mess with
the name of Moses. He was the ultimate prophet. But Hebrews makes it clear that
it’s not even a close contest. Moses was a servant and Jesus is the master. The
list keeps going: Jesus is better than the angels. Jesus is better than the
high priests. Jesus is better than the old covenant. Jesus is better than the
sacrificial system. Don’t trade freedom in Christ for the weight of religion.
Jesus is better than religion.
“Jesus is just better. Always has
been, always will be.”
So, let’s fix our eyes on Jesus instead
of religion. Let’s be a Christ follower, not a religion demanding follower. Let's not give up, Ok?
Yes, yes!
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