“Because your body was made by God, you also have appetites for things to eat, drink, touch, and see — physical desires.”
A thought by John Ortberg from his book, The Me I Want to Be (p. 86). Zondervan. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) We know about physical desires, don’t we? John says, “The Old Testament is filled with commands for God’s people to feast, eat, drink, celebrate, sing, dance, shout, and make music — all things we do with our bodies. These appetites, desires, and delights can then become a way of remembering how good our God is and can lead us to become more joy-filled people. “God loves it when you enjoy stretching or training your body in new skills, or when you enjoy what your eyes see, your ears hear, your mouth tastes, and your skin feels. The physical is not separate from the spiritual; it is the Spirit who makes our bodies come to life.” He goes, on, “Have you ever had the desire to be physically attractive? (I will ask that once in a while at churches, but no one ever raises their hand.) This needs to be kept in pr...