A thought by Dallas Willard (2014-02-01) from his book, Renovation of the Heart: PuttingOn the Character of Christ (p. 122). NavPress. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) And so many in this day have let our feeling be our masters. What do I feel like eating? What do I feel like doing? I feel like they slighted me. I don’t feel like going to church today. I don’t feel like doing what is right. I just don’t feel like it. Our feelings too many times have become our masters and that can be disastrous. This is so important to realize. Dallas says, “In a situation such as today, by contrast, where people constantly have— or think they have— to decide what to do, they will almost invariably be governed by feelings. Often they cannot distinguish between their feelings and their will, and in their confusion they also quite commonly take feelings to be reasons. And they will in general lack any sign...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...