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“There are plenty of really smart, well-trained people in organizations large and small who know exactly what to do. The shortage is in people willing to do it. To take a leap.”

A thought by Seth Godin (2011-03-01) in his book, Poke the Box (p. 61). The Domino Project. Kindle Edition . That is the difficult thing isn’t it?  We all it seems have at some moment come up with that idea that will make a major difference.  We are sure that no one else has ever thought of it but we don’t do anything with it and it is lost. Whether you believe it or not you have a tremendous idea about your task at work there in the inner workings of your mind.   It is that idea that will make your task more effective.  It may be that just right idea that will make your office more successful.  You may not realize it but by doing what you do every day you are the person to come up with that needed idea.  But you are afraid of rejection or being laughed at so you keep it to yourself.  It probably isn’t that good any way you think.  So the idea is lost. Now someone somewhere is going to come up with the idea and he is going to go for it.  It isn’t as good as yours but be

“Passion clouds the ability to accurately evaluate the circumstance in order to choose the right path.”

A thought by Andy Stanley (2009-03-31) in his book, The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be (p. 104). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. If I really want it then it must be the right thing to get it.  Have you ever had that go through your mind?   I know, all the time.  I’m sitting in a Starbucks close to Louisville, Kentucky seeing all these people outside with their 32 flavors cups of ice cream and I want so much to go get some.  I want it so bad so it must mean that it is God’s will for me to have it?  Right?  Wrong.  I got up early this morning to walk my 4+ miles and I’m not going to blow it.  But so many times what we really, really want tempts us to get off the path that we have chosen.  For me I was in the car yesterday for nearly 15 hours and it seems that I should be rewarded but that reward would set me back from the daily task that I have chosen to get below 200 lbs. by 2012.  Yes possibly the circumstance of yesterday cou

“When you are in pain, you cannot ignore it. You must seek a remedy.”

A thought by Greg Darley (2010-11-15) from his book, Passion Is Not Enough: Four Elements to Change the World (Kindle Locations 572-573). Backstage Publishing. Kindle Edition . It has been said that God speaks loudly through pain and softly through pleasure.  We don’t seek answers when everything is going right for us but when trouble is upon us. The truth is in times of trouble there are three things that we can do.  We can do nothing.  Just roll with the flow.  Or we can gripe, complain, and play the blame game.  That’s what it seems we are doing right now in our country.  Even Christians are blaming everyone they can think of about what is happening.  To me it seems like we are all to blame because of our greed but that is for another time.  Blame does nothing to solve problems.  It just keeps us from turning to God and us to solve the problem which is the third way to deal with trouble. Did you see the story last week of the young motorcyclist who was pinned under a

“Once we get fixated on the happiness option, we assign our brains the task of coming up with a list of very convincing reasons to support our choice.”

A thought by Andy Stanley (2009-03-31) in his book, The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to B e (p. 61). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. Have you noticed that?  You set your heart on getting something that you know will make you happy but it really isn’t a good thing to have; maybe it is a girl or a guy that doesn’t hold your same values.  But you want it or you have fallen for them so your mind sets into gear to come up with a set of reasons why it is a good thing when it really isn’t. Your will, your heart is a powerful thing so it is very important to have it set in the right direction.  Oh your mind is also important but most of the time it just goes along for the ride. For example:  In today’s USA Today there was a survey that said that the number one reason people divorce is growing apart and the number two is unable to talk together .  Now when your heart says there needs to be a change in your life, you’re not happy anymore b

“Biblically, it doesn’t matter what you get out of worship, it’s not for you.”

A thought by Darren Whitehead and Jon Tyson (2011-07-19) from their book, Rumors of God: Experience the Kind of Faith You´ve Only Heard About (Kindle Location 1440). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. It is so interesting how self-absorbed we as professed Christ-followers can be.  We think that life is all about us. An individual came up to Jon Tyson after one of their Worship Gatherings here in New York City and they said, “I didn’t mind the teaching, but I didn’t like the worship.”  Jon then said to him, “Biblically, it doesn’t matter what you get out of worship, it’s not for you.”  And that is true.  We need to be reminded of that fact don’t we? I’ve been to Jon’s church, Trinity Grace and I do appreciate what they are doing.  His preaching really speaks to issues of our day and their worship leaders at the three different locations that I have been to truly do lead us in worship.  But in this day of production in the church worship world it sometimes is easy to get sucke

“Much depends on how we perceive life—as threat or opportunity.”

A thought by Michael Frost and Alan Hirsch (2011-04-15) in the book, The Faith of Leap, (Shapevine) (p. 31). Baker Books. Kindle Edition. I don’t know how some people get up in the morning.  If they look at life as a threat then they must want to hide.  No way do they want to get out of bed.  Life has been ruff for some people.  I understand that but I also know of people who have also had it ruff who get up and are ready for whatever life has for them.  To them life is not a threat but an opportunity. The truth is there is so much in our life that we have no control over.  But how we handle it starts in our mind, in how we view life and that is under our control. I’ve learned that if I take the worst that life can throw at me and I figure out a way to handle it then no matter what else comes I can handle that.  Now I’ve started with what is the worst for many which is death and I have settled that in my mind.  I believe that a right relationship with God takes care of t

“The best counsel in the world is wasted counsel if our minds are already made up.”

A thought by Andy Stanley (2009-03-31) in his book, The Principle of the Path: How to Get from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be (p. 129). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. We all realize how true that is, don’t we?  My dad said, “Advice not asked for stinks.” It doesn’t matter if you have the right answer if the person in need is not seeking advice it won’t make a difference. I used to have wives come up and ask me if I would talk to their husbands or parents would come and want me to talk to their kids and I would always say, “Have them call me.”  If they’re not seeking they’re not listening.  Of course you know some people who have advice for everything and they want to give it all the time to everyone they meet.  It seems to be a self-worth thing.  They may be right some of the time but they are not usually the ones you will go to for advice.  There are others who you see their life and you know their life view is built on wisdom and maturity but you have to seek th