A thought by Mark Batterson from his book, Win the Day (p. 8). The Crown Publishers Group. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon to buy the book.)
And the stories we tell make a difference.
Mark says, "True or false, those stories become self-fulfilling prophecies. If you tell yourself the wrong story, you live a lie. If you want to change your life, start by changing your story."
He later says, "What stories are you telling yourself? And where do they come from? Are they helping you or hurting you? Are they accurate or inaccurate? Are they carefully crafted or off the cuff? And who is narrating the story? You? Your parents? Your doubters? Your haters? Or have you given editorial control to the Author and Perfecter of your faith? (Hebrews 12:2}
He then say, "'Every person is composed of a few themes,' observed C. S. Lewis.1 Those life themes reveal themselves in a wide variety of ways. Sometimes it’s during the regular routine of life. More often than not, it’s something out of the ordinary. One way or the other, something happens that strikes a chord at the core of your being. A God-sized dream or God-ordained passion is conceived deep within your spirit. It’s the thing that gets you up early and keeps you up late. It’s the thing that makes you smile, makes you cry, or makes you pound your fist on the table. Those life themes become the subplots of your life, and they undergird everything you do."
So in changing our life, let's start by daily changing our stories we tell ourselves , okay?
Yes, yes!
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