A thought by Bob Goff, from his book, Dream Big (Kindle Locations 1015). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
Bob says, “One of my personal practices is to memorize each of them. Try it sometime. It will bring tremendous focus to your day and meaning to your interactions, and it will amplify your faith. Here’s how to do it. Almost everyone knows the first miracle Jesus did, right? There was a wedding celebration and they ran out of wine. Jesus took some jars of water, turned them into wine, and the party kept going. What I’ve been looking at aren’t just the miracles, but what was happening around the miracles. At the wedding, Mary leaned over to the host after he spoke to Jesus and whispered, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’ This is my hope for you as you pursue your ambitions. Whether faith is important to you or not, whether you talk to Jesus all the time or almost never, I hope you will take the ideas in these pages about pursuing your ambitions and then do whatever God tells you to do with them.”
Bob goes on, “I’m a meat-and-potatoes guy when it comes to faith. I don’t see ladybugs landing on my nose as a message from God. I’m confident if God had a message for me and I missed it, He knows where I live and would send an elephant to land on me next time. Still, I enter each day assuming there’s a thirty-eighth miracle waiting for me if I’ll fully engage life and the people around me with love, honesty, and an unreasonable, almost annoying heap of expectation. What would happen in your life if you started doing the same?”
He then says, “If you want to make progress toward your ambitions, live in constant anticipation of what might happen next. Look constantly for opportunities to give your ambitions some lift, and when an opening comes along, be ready to do something about it. People who actively anticipate opportunities don’t just sit on the edge of the chair hoping. They stack books on the chair and stand on top of them looking for an opportunity. Try it. The view will be great.”
So, let’s go looking for some books to stand on, okay?
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