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“Most of us can accomplish this without even trying.”

A thought by Lisa Bevere, from her book,   Be Angry, But Don’t Blow It   (p.9) Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the book title to go to to buy the book.)

Now, what is she talking about?

Lisa says, “The first part of Ephesians 4:26 is easy enough: Be angry. Most of us can accomplish this without even trying. It happens without warning. Someone cuts us off on the highway and careless words are hurled into the air, never to be retrieved. . . This verse seems at first a contradiction. It clearly grants us the right to feel anger. Be angry. There is not even a preceding disclaimer, like ‘If you absolutely have to get angry, then okay . . . be angry.’ Just a simple Be angry. The NIV translation reads, ‘In your anger do not sin.’ It seems to further validate the experience of anger, assuring us there will be times of anger, but telling us not to sin during them.”

She goes on, “God gives us permission to be angry. He knows and understands man’s inborn capacity for anger. It is an emotion He also is familiar with. It is recognized in the frustrated cry of the smallest infant as well as the patriot’s outcry against injustice. It is heard in the agonized weeping of parents who grieve over the lost life of a child and the silent tremor of a grieving grandparent.

“Anger is as valid a human emotion as joy, sorrow, faith, and fear. God tells us, Be angry, because it is okay to be upset. Even God gets angry—as a matter of fact, quite frequently. He was repeatedly angry with His chosen people. The Old Testament records several hundred references of His anger with Israel and other nations.

“When an emotion is suppressed because it is not validated, it will eventually be expressed inappropriately. Conversely, if an emotion is expressed without restraint then sin will follow upon its heels. God Himself validates human anger. Yet most of us do not even understand anger. Is it throwing things and yelling and screaming at our loved ones? Is it holding a grudge over treacherous treatment? No, these are examples of inappropriate expressions of anger. There is a fine line between anger and sin.

She then says, “The American Heritage Dictionary defines anger as ‘strong usually temporary displeasure without specifying manner of expression.’

“It is okay to feel intense or strong displeasure over an event or at someone’s actions. Displeasure encompasses disapproval, dislike, and annoyance. These feelings are common to all of us and may be daily occurrences. This definition of anger does not provide a specific outlet or manner for the expression of anger. I believe this is because there are varied appropriate reactions and recourses to the corresponding offense. The responses would also vary with individual factors, such as age, personality, position, and place. Much more is expected of an adult in public than of a toddler. Likewise, the expectation is greater of those in authority or leadership. Authority figures shouldn’t use position to vent their emotions or further their agendas. It is important for them to distance themselves from any personal offense long enough to become conscious of how it might affect those under their care or guidance.”

So that is a great start on this subject of anger, isn’t it?

Yes, yes!


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