A thought by Ray Johnston (2014-05-13) from his book, The Hope Quotient: Measure It. Raise It. You'll Never Be the Same. (p.118). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition. (Click on the title to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.) Ray continues, “It’s called loss of joy. When we’re joyless, we’re on overload. Having no joy means we are about to exceed a limit, whether physical, mental, spiritual, or emotional, and put ourselves in danger of shutting down and getting stranded in a place we never wanted to be.” He goes on, “I’m glad for a warning because I’m so mission-driven and focused that, if I could, I would work eight days a week, twenty-six hours a day. If I head in that direction long enough, I start enduring life and using people instead of enjoying life and loving people.” Are you having a problem here? Have you lost your joy? Do you need some balance in your life? Are you using people instead of loving them? Later he says, “God wants you emotio...
Continuing a thought from a book I am reading...