thought by James MacDonald (2015-06-18) from his book, Lord, Change My Attitude: Before It's Too Late (p. 154). Moody
Publishers. Kindle Edition. (Click
on the title of the book to go to Amazon.com to buy the book.)
He goes on
to say, “By minors we mean personal preference, personality differences... It’s essential that followers of
Christ be the most accepting, nonprejudiced, nonfaultfinding, noncritical
people on the face of the earth. Again, 97 percent of life’s issues are minor:
little irritations; the differences between me and you; and
she-thinks-like-this-but-I-don’t-see-it-that-way, and he’s-a-little-different-kind-of-a-person-than-me,
and no-way-did-he-handle-that-totally-properly.”
Now as he
says, “Each of these is not an issue of right and wrong. We are different
people, and we handle things differently. Most of the things that are breaking down
marriages, that are breaking down friendships, and that are causing you
problems with the person that you work for are not major— they’re minor things!
In those contexts, love learns to accept the person with his failures. Love
doesn’t deny the irritation; it simply recognizes that the one I love is far
more important than my own desire to live an irritant-free life. On the majors—
action. But on the minors— most things— acceptance.”
Such a good
thing to remember and do.
Don’t you
see how that would make a major difference in our lives?
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